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Archive for the 'Ya Sakina(AS)' Category
02 2nd, 2007
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim
Allah bless Muhammed and the progeny of Muhammed
A poem for bibi Sakina/Rukaya (AS)
I saw my father beheaded lying on the ground
I saw my brother Akber in his own blood he was drowned
Where is Asghar,I can’t hear him cry, nothing not a sound
I saw my uncle Abbas his head with arrows was crowned
I saw my Cousin Qassim his body blood did surround
Then the enemies stole my earrings and chased me round and round
I am Sakina I am only four water from me for three days they did keep
Now I am in this jail a dungeon so very deep
I have no tears , I am drained I can not even sleep
I remember the events in Taf and then I start to weep
My aunt Zainab is tired and my brother is sick and frail
I want to see my sister Sughra and I want back my veil
Instead they bring my fathers head I scream and in my heart I start to wail
Oh shia don’t forget my troubles I am Sakina I was only a child and I died in this very jail
Oh Sakina your grief is too heavy for my heart
Lanat on you yazid and Ya Hussein zindabad