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Archive for the 'Ya Fatemah(A.S) The beloved daughter of our Holy Prophe' Category
11 20th, 2012
If you don’t cry for Hussien(AS),and your does not break or you do not feel his pain
Then your hell-bound brother,
Zehra (AS) prays for those who do, but those who don’t about them she does complain

12 18th, 2010
Oh land of Karbala and land of Yathrib
Today a child, when before his Uncle and his Grandmothers rib
Oh look Fatimah, They will never stop
Until these Hell-Seekers have of blood spilt every single drop
Oh the seeds of Karbala had been planted long ago
When the door was kicked, when Zahra was hit by that blow
You took one child oh seekers of hell
Why then did you have to take the life of Ali Asgher aswell
Oh Ahle-Muhammed for you, our hearts are full of sorrow
Where once it was Mohsin, today Asgher will follow
The Blood of his son, to the skies Hussain throws
Oh door kicker and hurmala your atrocities are exposed
These are the days when innocence did die
Oh door kicker and yazid I have just one question.. Why, Why, Why?

02 25th, 2007
Zainab(as) saved Imamate Fatemah(as) had saved it before
Zainab(as) saved it in Shaam Fatemah(as) when she was hit with the door.