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- Imam Ali (a.s) Ameer-Ul-Momineen (16)
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Poetry dedicated to Islam and the Ahlul Bayt (household Of the last Prophet of mankind)All poems written by Abu Shahbaaz Londoni , poems are copyrighted and maybe used in the promotion of Islam, however all printed material must contain the source or acknowledge the writer unless agreed by prior permission
Archive for the 'Shaam' Category
Markets of Shaam
01 25th, 2008
01 25th, 2008
Oh Markets of Shaam how did you accommodate
The prisoners of Muhammed’s(SAWW) house,his Ahlul Bayt(A.S)
Their men murdered by Ibn muawiya the apostate
Scarfless is Zaynab(A.S) and your streets you do ornate
Your people beat drums,whistle and celebrate
Oh Shaam this disgrace how can you tolerate
Oh Shaam this is the house of those to whom angels do prostrate
Of the two weighty things Muhammed(SAWW) left, one is the Quran and oh Shaam this is the other weight
Oh Shaam for abu shahbaaz your market is a burning fire at the end of which is Hells Gate!!!!