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Archive for the 'Praise of Ahlul Bayt(A.S)' Category
02 8th, 2007
On the day of rising when all will be raised from the ground,
The trumpet will be blown the calling the warning sound,
I abu shahbaaz willl give in my account the names of the First to the Twelfth,
This will give me an amount as heaven in my wealth,
But for you heaven shall be denied,
For the first few names you give themselves in hell they do reside

02 8th, 2007
Oh muslims on your shoulders such a burden such a weight
Worship Allah and beg his mercy don’t contemplate
Doom and gloom or heavenly bliss,
We should fear our end and our eternal fate
I beg for his mercy but worship rarely on time,
Often mahmood forgets and often mahmood is late,
Please tell which which path to take to heavens gate,
I fear myself for Allah has shown me the Siraat ul Mustaqeem,
I am the one who knows the road but barriers I do create,
I have no excuse Allahu Akber, Allahu Akber, Allah is most great,
He has surely given me and all Muslims a key to Heavens gate,
He has given us Muhammed,Fatimah,Ali and Hussien,
He has given us truth through Muhammed and the Ahlul Bayt

02 6th, 2007
Why for 50 years Palestine can we not liberate
Why are the muslims weak and zionists so great
Freedom you can establish of our Holy State
Guidance is what you will need but from the Holy Ahlul Bayt(as)
Before you strive for freedom seek help from Ya Mahdi
Next time you strive for freedom start with Bismillah then Say YA ALI

02 2nd, 2007
I have been to Heaven this I surely know,
Oh dear muslim brothers with me to Heaven do you want to go,
Dont be stubborn please please come with me,
Let me take you come the seven Heavens you ll see,
I swear I swear I know Heaven I swear by Allah,
They are Mecca,and Kadhmayn,Najaf,and Medina.
Samarra and Mashad and Kerbala,
For those left behind from my journey for you i bring a gift
Cry for Hussien say Ya Ali your soul to Heaven I swear by Allah this will surely lift