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Archive for the 'Hellfire' Category
02 9th, 2007
Oh iblis go away leave me let me pray
Let me worship my Lord Astaghfirullah let me say
Oh Allah he comes to deviate me every single day
With my mind all the time he starts to play
From my thoughts Allah please take him away
Lest my devotion to you does deviate and starts to sway
And in hell for my weakness in life in eternal fire I have to pay

02 2nd, 2007
I dont want to follow my desire,
Not on earth fear of what happens when from life i retire,
I want to go to heaven,
Oh Lord save me from hell fire,
I want to elevate my soul somewhere higher,
Where there are 70 virgins, golden goblets of wine and silk robes as attire,
Not the food of zaree or of zaqqum,
Oh Lord save me from hell fire,
The garden of eden is what I aspire,
Dont want to sell my soul when satans the buyer,
But he keeps fooling me,oh lord save me from hell fire,
I pray and pray I dont want to tire,
I speak the truth I am not a liar,
But satan stops me from this seeking of mercy,
Oh Lord save me from hell fire.
Oh satan of you i am a denyer,
Dont you know for Aba Abdillah abu shahbaazis a mourner and a cryer,
This a worship with which you can not interfere,
This is why my Lord will save me from hell fire