- Ali Asghar Hussiens(as) six month baby (5)
- Bahrain (2)
- Charity and Giving (1)
- Death and The grave (3)
- Hellfire (2)
- Imam Ali (a.s) Ameer-Ul-Momineen (16)
- Kassim Ibne Hassan(as) (2)
- Kerbala (27)
- Lebanon (1)
- My statement (7)
- Palestine and freedom (1)
- Praise of Ahlul Bayt(A.S) (4)
- Ramadhan (3)
- Shaam (1)
- Sins (1)
- The Mahdi (May Allah hasten his appearance) (1)
- The Meraj(When the Prophet(saww) went to the seven heav (1)
- Uncategorized (12)
- Ya Abbas(as) (4)
- Ya Fatemah(A.S) The beloved daughter of our Holy Prophe (3)
- Ya Hussain(AS) (20)
- Ya Sakina(AS) (1)
- Ya Zainab (AS) (8)
Archive for December, 2011
12 16th, 2011
We can spend time drinking tea and in idle chat
Or watching hours of TV, sitting on our couches getting fat
Yet when crying for Hussain we set time limits , WHY IS THAT?
Of this Love Qaza there is not
An act for which the reward is a lot
Every moment missed is a moment we’ve lost
Of fasting ,Haj and even Salat, My brothers your children can do your Qaza
But crying for Hussain is such an Ibadaah
That no restriction of time has been set by Allah(SWT)
Don’t waste your time, Keep saying Ya Hussain Labayk
With this vow , the despots thrones you’ll break,and in Heaven a house for you Allah(SWT) will make
And to your grave will come Ali himself, and you direct to heaven he shall take.

12 5th, 2011
Ya Sugrha come say your last salam ,
your brother is going
come, come Sughra say your last salam
The voice of beauty that you yearn to hear
The brother to your heart you hold so dear
The day has come that you so so fear
Come Sughra, Hear his last Azaan
Your brother is going ,
come, come Sughra say your last Salam
The face you saw like the moon so bright
Oh he looks so handsome dressed as a knight
Shall today go into battle,for truth, to fight
Your brother is going to save Islam
Your brother is going
come, come Sughra say your last Salam
The brother that of young men is the best
The brother whom Allah himself has blessed
Shall have a spear stabbed in his chest
Come Sughra come hold his arm
Your brother is going
come, come Sughra say your last Salam
The brother you held in esteem so high
Now when you say salam you’ll hear no reply
Oh Sughra with you now the angels will cry
Come Sughra say ma’salaam
Your brother has gone
come come Sughra say ma’salaam
come come Sughra say ma’salaam

12 5th, 2011
Rasoolullah cries Hussain
Murtadha cries Hussain
Fatima cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Safa Marwa cries Hussain
Plains of Mina cry Hussain
Arafa cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Madina cries Hussain
Karbala cries Hussain
Khan-e-Kabaa cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Earth and Sky cries Hussain
Tears I weep cry Hussain
Martyrs that die cry Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Qadr & Falaq cry Hussain
Noor & Alaq cry Hussain
Land of Fadak cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
My needs cry Hussain
My deeds cry Hussain
Blood I bleed cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Every insaan cries Hussain
My imaan cries Hussain
Even Quraan cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Every lover cries Hussain
Every brother cries Hussain
Even his mother cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
My Sajdah cries Hussain
My Dua cries Hussain
My Salah cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Fajr cries Hussain
Zohar cries Hussain
Asr cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Isa cries Hussain
Musa cries Hussain
Yahya cries Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
(this is reciters who have recited at Hyderi Imambargah London)
Ammar cries Hussain (Syed Ammar Nakshwani)
Abathaar cries Hussain (Abathaar al Halwachi)
Mukhtar cries Hussain (Moulana Mukthar Abbas)
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
In my grave cry Hussain
Every slave cry Hussain
Even the brave cry Hussain
Hussain cries ABBAS ABBAS
Abu Shahbaaz cries Hussain
Ghazi Abbas cries Hussain
Angels of Allah cry Hussain
Hussain Cries ABBAS ABBAS
Hussain Cries ABBAS ABBAS