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Archive for March, 2011
Here in peace and comfort, I sleep in my bed
Bang a bullet and in Bahrain, another brother dead
I can not sleep, all these images in my head
For freedom how much blood, has to be bled
Today i saw an image of a guy, a bullet had split his head
A brother with his brothers body, his shirt stained blood red
His tears and his sad face, ripped my heart to shreds
His brother only asked for freedom,but was murdered instead
All this blood of the peaceful, that you khalifa have shed
All they asked for is freedom, what wrong have they said
and when i see that picture of the martyr Farhan, Ahmed
I curse your killers and pray for their whole families DEATH(Illah e Amin)

03 20th, 2011
Here in my home I see my children play
In my thoughts I hear voices of children help me save me they say
I look to the sky to see from where do i hear these voices of pain
Then I think and hear these voices again and realise they are from the children of Bahrain,
Oh world oh people why have we forsaken them
Are they not just children just the same?
Oh children and people of Bahrain I shall now cry for you
Like you are helpless I am helpless and nothing can I do
As a tear comes down my cheek
A sign of one who is angry but very very weak
I pray for you oh People and children of Bahrain
Allah is my witness in my heart for you i am drowned in pain
I know that oh children oh people you will pull through and win even if no one is on your side
For one thing you have and they don’t is Mushkil Kusha Ali ibn Abu Talib as your guide.