- Ali Asghar Hussiens(as) six month baby (5)
- Bahrain (2)
- Charity and Giving (1)
- Death and The grave (3)
- Hellfire (2)
- Imam Ali (a.s) Ameer-Ul-Momineen (16)
- Kassim Ibne Hassan(as) (2)
- Kerbala (27)
- Lebanon (1)
- My statement (7)
- Palestine and freedom (1)
- Praise of Ahlul Bayt(A.S) (4)
- Ramadhan (3)
- Shaam (1)
- Sins (1)
- The Mahdi (May Allah hasten his appearance) (1)
- The Meraj(When the Prophet(saww) went to the seven heav (1)
- Uncategorized (12)
- Ya Abbas(as) (4)
- Ya Fatemah(A.S) The beloved daughter of our Holy Prophe (3)
- Ya Hussain(AS) (20)
- Ya Sakina(AS) (1)
- Ya Zainab (AS) (8)
Poetry dedicated to Islam and the Ahlul Bayt (household Of the last Prophet of mankind)All poems written by Abu Shahbaaz Londoni , poems are copyrighted and maybe used in the promotion of Islam, however all printed material must contain the source or acknowledge the writer unless agreed by prior permission
Archive for February, 2010
Oh Hussien how can we forget
02 5th, 2010
02 5th, 2010
Oh Hussien Your sacrifice how can we forget
Hussien you are the saviour of “nor was he begotten nor does he beget”
Hussien because of you we still hear the Azan from the Minaret
Everyday our cheeks with falling tears for you are wet
We will visit you Hussien even when our lives are under threat
Oh Hussien how can we forget
Your blood Hussien is for humanity against evil, a protective blanket
That day oh Hussien when you were beheaded, with the strike on your neck
Oh Hussien on that day after the sun did set
Oh Hussien your daughter was slapped and veils taken form Muhammad’s Ahle Bait
Your sacrifices Hussien we can never Forget we can never forget.