- Ali Asghar Hussiens(as) six month baby (5)
- Bahrain (2)
- Charity and Giving (1)
- Death and The grave (3)
- Hellfire (2)
- Imam Ali (a.s) Ameer-Ul-Momineen (16)
- Kassim Ibne Hassan(as) (2)
- Kerbala (27)
- Lebanon (1)
- My statement (7)
- Palestine and freedom (1)
- Praise of Ahlul Bayt(A.S) (4)
- Ramadhan (3)
- Shaam (1)
- Sins (1)
- The Mahdi (May Allah hasten his appearance) (1)
- The Meraj(When the Prophet(saww) went to the seven heav (1)
- Uncategorized (12)
- Ya Abbas(as) (4)
- Ya Fatemah(A.S) The beloved daughter of our Holy Prophe (3)
- Ya Hussain(AS) (20)
- Ya Sakina(AS) (1)
- Ya Zainab (AS) (8)
Poetry dedicated to Islam and the Ahlul Bayt (household Of the last Prophet of mankind)All poems written by Abu Shahbaaz Londoni , poems are copyrighted and maybe used in the promotion of Islam, however all printed material must contain the source or acknowledge the writer unless agreed by prior permission
Archive for September, 2008
Learn to love Ali(as)
09 21st, 2008
09 21st, 2008
The suns light dims and the glimmer of the stars start to fade,
This light and glimmer of hope today on the 19th of Ramadhan has been attacked by a poisonous blade,
Every command of his Lord Ali(as) has obeyed,
For his total love of Allah(swt) today his due Ali(as) has paid,
His blooded beard does testify,
That a man Allah(swt) himself does sanctify,
Oh muslims with hate him you vilify,
The truth you you hide and no matter how hard you try,
The truth is real the Truth can never die,
Ali (as) left us with Hasnain(as) and Zainab(as) to fight,
He gave everything for Allah(as) and for what is right,
So Learn from Ali(as) everything for Allah(as) learn to give,
And learn to love Ali(as) so you can learn to LIVE!!!!.